As per our past updates as an Area we are working on a masterplan for our Campsite in Vale of Glamorgan – Jubilee Campsite.
We have been working with our partners Arbour and other professional services to complete surveys so we can create a master plan for the campsite. The masterplan shows possible phased development of the campsite as funding comes available. Don’t forget we still have on online appeal towards the new toilets. We are also looking for groups to support the purchase of mature trees for Jubilee.
I am pleased to release the DRAFT masterplan (pdf) for everyone across the Area to review and have their say before the final plan is signed off at the July meeting of the Area Exec.
Feedback can be provided in three ways:
- Via online feedback form
- Attending our open night session on 8th July at Jubilee campsite to meet the design team or Youth Forum for those Under 25 meeting at Jubilee on Tuesday 13th July at 7-9pm
- Direct feedback either in writing or via video call with Julian Jordan and Neil Wick AAC Funding and Assets
Finally we are looking to hold some service days at the site if you can spare a few hours please get in touch with myself.
- Saturday 10th July – 11-4pm
- Sunday 15th August – 1pm -5pm
- Saturday 18th September 11-4pm
Also don’t forget about the badge design competition.
Contact Julian Jordan
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