Based on feedback from the Youth Forum we are going to setup an Area Network for those in the movement and those aged 18-24 years. Some of our Districts already have a Scout Network section so the Area Scout Network will support these and ensure everyone can have some fun in Scouting and aim for the top awards – Queens Scout Award, Gold Duke of Edinburgh, Explorer Belt and Scouts of the World. You can find out more about the Network Section by looking at:
The kick-off events over the next 2 months will be led by myself and Joe Fletcher, one of our Area Youth Commissioners and during September, we will look to put in place the programme for the 2021/22 whilst there are no subscription fees to be a member of the Scout Network, there is a charge for some of the events. The programme is flexible so you can take part in whichever activities you want to, or not.
More details are in this letter (PDF).
To stay up to date with the Area Scout Network you can join the group on OSM the “waiting list for Area Network“, we also have a facebook group.
Please share with those 18-24 in scouting or not.
For more details email
Julian Jordan
Area Commissioner | Commisiynydd Ardal
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