The 2021 Area Annual General Meeting and Celebration of Scouting took place as hybrid meeting on the 22nd September at St Pauls Community Hall.
View the Trustees Report 2020
Watch the AGM recording
Photos from the event
Nomination and Election of Area Officers
Area Secretary: Nominated Peter Gladman
- Proposed: Will Maddocks
- Seconded: Fay Harding Lewis
Area Treasurer: Nominated Jeremy Ray
- Proposed: Will Maddocks
- Seconded: Fay Harding Lewis
Area Executive Committee Membership
Area Commissioner nominations:
- Meriel Cole
- Carole Standfast
- Finance Committee Chair
- Paul Willicombe
- Neil Wicks
Youth Forum nomination for 18 – 25 year olds: Jamie Everett
- No other nominees as 2 in job share as Area Youth Commissioner
Elected Members nominated by each district
- Chris Kennard: Cardiff East
- Claudia Currie: Cardiff North
- William Maddocks: Cardiff West
- Dawn Power: Penarth and District
- Keith Williams: Tir a Môr
Appointments to the Council of Scout Cymru
Ex offico
- Area Commissioner: Julian Jordan
- Area President: Morfudd Meredith
- Area Chair: Area Secretary
- Area Treasurer
- 1 Deputy Area Commissioner: Cathie Steele
Nominated Members
- Joe Holmes: Scouter
- Neil Wicks: Trustee
- Joe Fletcher: 18-25 year old Rep
Appointments to the Council of the Scout Association
Ex offico
Area Commissioner: Julian Jordan
Nominated Members
- Cathie Steele
- Joe Fletcher: 18 25 year old Rep
Approval of Area Vice Presidents and Life Members
Vice Presidents
- Keith Burfoot
- Glenys Shelley
- Keith Hyde
Life Members
- Richard Edwards
- Lynn Thompson
- Alan Williams
- Barbara Williams
- Dennis Hunt
- Gill Clay
- Patricia Teagle
- Cptn Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards
- Dr Peter Beck
- John Loder
Proposed: Julian Jordan
Seconded: Geraint Evans
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