Could you help someone gain some #skillsforlife! and therefore develop their CV?
We have been given the opportunity via the UK government kickstart programme to take on young people to develop their skills over a 26 week placement of 25 hours a week.
We have two asks!
- We are looking for volunteers to support these young people over the 6 months for a few adhoc days working alongside them on projects like clearing footpaths at jubilee campsite, painting a room or a set of railings to clearing grounds at a Scout HQ. You can support them on a weekend or during the week. The more supporters we get the more we can spread supervisor workload. If you can spare a few days please get in touch.
- Does you group have a maintenance task you have been putting off or a day planned that an extra pair of hands would make a difference. Please feel free to come forward with these projects and we will try to support you with the kickstarter.
If you can help with either or both these items please get in touch with Julian Jordan ASAP. We have young people waiting to start let keep our Scouting to promise and “help other people”
Julian Jordan
Area Commissioner | Commisiynydd Ardal
Cardiff and Vale Area Scout Council | Cyngor Sgowtiaid Ardal Caerdydd a’r Fro
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