We have created a partnership with Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket to help our young people complete their Beaver Sports Activity Badge Cubs Physical Recreation Badge. Cub Sports Enthusiast Badge Scout Sport Enthusiast Badge Scout Physical Recreation Badge Explorer Physical Recreation Badge and work towards many others.
Cricket Wales have a training programme for young people aged 5 and up to get involved in Cricket, it has an 8 week programme of activities that could make part of you summer term and earlier autum term programmes. Cricket Wales will run 1 and half training session for adults to get understanding of the programme and then you will be given access to the online app with the programme of training that you can teach the young people. At the end of the programme you could take on another section at a game of cricket.
If you interesting it taking part in this programme please register your interest and we will send you details of the dates of the training session taking place in late April early May. We will also look to hold a bag with the balls and bats etc, all you will need to run this programme.
Night at the Cricket
With Glamorgan Cricket we are looking to hold a Scout night on Friday 24th June at Sophia Gardens for the Vitality Blast Glamorgan v Somerset 6.30pm Start. Cost is £3 for young people and free for adults and supporting young leaders. Closing date for booking these tickets is 15th May. Make a booking.
If your section can’t make this date we can organise the same offer for other Vitality Blast matches in June please email office@cardiffandvalescouts.org.uk. Everyone that goes to one of these matches with the Scout offer will get a Cardiff and Vale Scouts Cricket Badge 2022.
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