Digital Maker Stage 1 and Stage 2
Dates: Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th July
Sessions: Each session lasts 2½ hours
Each session is limited to 10 young people so book early to avoid disappointment.
For Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who would like to like to work towards their Digital Maker Staged Activity Badge Stage One and Two the following sessions are available at The Hub, Cardiff and Vale Area Scouts, Maitland Street, Cardiff, CF14 3JU.
Please complete this form for each Beaver, Cub or Scout wanting to take part.
To make these sessions possible, an adult (not for every young person attending), will be required to stay to ensure we meet the adult to young people ratios.
*****Please use this form to sign-up to these days*****
Closing date: Saturday 13th July 2024
For leaders: If you would like assistance or ideas for the Digital Maker badge at your own group feel free to contact me and I will assist where and when I am able. I appreciate not everyone can travel to Cardiff, if you would like some sessions like this run closer to your group, feel free to contact me and we can discuss the logistics.
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