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Inclusion support

Everyone is welcome

Scouting is an inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values. By removing any real or perceived barriers to participation, we can ensure that even more young people can enjoy the adventure of Scouting and that Scouting will be as diverse as the communities in which we live.

To ensure Scouting in Cardiff and Vale is available, accessible and open to all, the following will be addressed:

Location is sometimes a barrier both to youth and adult participation. The Area needs to be mindful of this when planning events and training to ensure that not all are Cardiff centric. In terms of youth participation Scouting needs to be accessible for as many young people as possible so provision is needed for the new developments around Cardiff and Vale as well as the areas of the city and Vale with no Scouting currently.

Finance can be a barrier to Scouting. The Area has funds available to support with uniform, subscriptions and activities. Groups should also review the way they can support both adults and young people into and through their Scouting life.

Lack of Leaders’ knowledge can be a barrier for inclusion. To achieve inclusion, the Area needs to:

  • Develop a group of advisors with specific expertise
  • Build skills for Leaders to feel confident
  • Have specialist training available where necessary
  • Ensure our spaces are suitable and accessible to all
  • Engage with all communities

Inclusion resources

We’ve put together some resources that may help you with your role in Scouting.

As leaders in Scouting, you may have had experience of some of your members who appear to struggle to undertake what others might see as simple physical tasks. Dyspraxia is a common condition where an individual struggles with physical coordination; they may come over as clumsy, or struggle to write or do things such as ride a bike, throw a ball, kick a football or even dress themselves. Some people with dyspraxia also have social and emotional difficulties as well as problems with time management, planning and personal organisation.

We want everybody in Scouting to be able to develop skills for life, irrespective of any physical or mental condition that they may have. To support you as leaders, in supporting such individuals in your sections, we ran a Zoom session on dyspraxia in Scouting.

The session was presented by Dr Sally Payne, who when not being a Group Scout Leader for a Scout group in Warwickshire, works for the Dyspraxia foundation, and is an expert on the condition in children.

We’ve made the presentation available to download below to help you better understand what Dyspraxia is.

Dyspraxia in Scouting presentation (PPT)

Asthma is a physical condition that effects the lungs. In the UK, around 12% of people have an Asthma diagnosis. It is very likely that a member of your scouting community may have the condition.

Please ensure that all members of your unit complete health forms and have the opportunity to update them on a regular basis to ensure you are aware of all physical conditions. Encourage the asthma sufferer to bring their pumps with them to all sessions.

Depending on the person, Asthma can be very severe or very mild. It is important that should you plan a physically challenging task, you keep in mind that the person with asthma may be unable to participate and therefore it is imperative that you have an alternative that they can fully participate in.

For more information on what asthma is and what to do in the instance that an asthma attack occurs, visit

Here are some practical tips that will be useful for leaders when planning sessions and how to ensure those with asthma are fully included.

For more information on asthma, go to Asthma UK.

Please remember asthma can be a very serious and life threatening condition, if someone has an asthma attack and their usual treatments/inhalers aren’t relieving symptoms, do not hesitate to call 999.

Alison Docherty – Assistant Area Commissioner Inclusion
Kathy Fletcher – Deputy Area Youth Commissioner Inclusion

A visual impairment is any vision loss which cannot be corrected by using glasses or contact lenses. Individuals with visual impairments can have a wide variety of sight limitations and hence, like any disability, each individual needs to be discussed personally to make reasonable adjustments.

If you want to learn more about what a visual impairment is visit

There are many easy and simple ways to ensure that those members of scouting, with Visual impairments can be fully included in sessions with small but effective ways. Here are some tips on how to make those changes within your troop.

More useful links, Royal Institute for the blind VICTA (Visually Impaired children taking action)

Alison Docherty
Assistant Area Commissioner Inclusion

Putting Cymraeg into Scouting.

Where possible we should encourage the medium of Welsh. All signage on our buildings should be bi-lingual. Adults and young people who speak Welsh should be encouraged to wear the Cymraeg Badge on their uniforms. Aspects of the section night should, where applicable, be bi-lingual.


Assistant Area Commissioner Inclusion

I’m Alison and I am the Area Assistant Commissioner Inclusion.

I am excited to have the opportunity to engage with the members of Cardiff and Vale Scouts to facilitate, develop and support inclusion within our Area. Inclusion within Scouting is at the heart of our values and beliefs. Throughout my time in Scouting (which started as a Venture Scout) I have always believed that Scouting holds magic, it changes lives and it provides opportunities. Each and every one of us has the chance to make a difference and reach out in to our communities and ensure that ‘Scouting for All’ is not just something to say but something to do.

I look forward to working with you all on our journey to developing greater inclusion in the Area.

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