A Scout woggle was found at Forest Farm a few days ago. If you think it is yours please contact office@cardiffandvalescouts.org.uk
You are invited to attend a Zoom talk on the 25th World Scout Jamboree Korea by Unit Leaders/Coordinators on Wednesday 01 December 2021 at 7pm. You will have the opportunity to meet the Leadership Team, find out all you need to know about the WSJ including selection process, costs and grants available…
This year’s Celebration of Scouting Awards winners have been announced. The awards, now in their fifth year, recognise and celebrate Scouting successes throughout Wales. Each of the nominations we received were incredible and we couldn’t be prouder of our amazing volunteers! Congratulations and thank you to all those across the…
It is with much sadness that we have to inform our members that Richard John West, known to everyone as John passed away on Sunday 7th November, after a short illness. John had been a member and leader of Scouting for nearly his whole life. For those of us who…
Scout Post is a scheme that offers the public of Cardiff and most parts of the Vale of Glamorgan an opportunity to send Christmas Cards at a fraction of the cost of other postal services. It has been in operation for over 35 years and was the ‘brainchild’ of a…
Dear Scout Post Co-ordinators, Thank you all who attended the meeting the other week. As I said at the time, we made the decision this year that Scout Post 2021 will not happen. Some reasons for this decision were as follows: 12 areas we didn’t have cover for, or Groups…
https://youtu.be/_-oFK9RtXtM Cardiff and Vale Scouts has hosted a special tree planting ceremony at their Jubilee Campsite in the Vale of Glamorgan to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. View photo album from the day. The Queen's Green Canopy is a unique initiative which invites people across the United Kingdom…
Could you help someone gain some #skillsforlife! and therefore develop their CV? We have been given the opportunity via the UK government kickstart programme to take on young people to develop their skills over a 26 week placement of 25 hours a week. We have two asks! We are looking…
The Green Challenge, has been launched. The initiative will distribute 100,000 free basil seed kits across the UK to help people grow their own produce, get creative in the kitchen and connect with their community, running a 8-week growing journey fronted by TV Chef Rustie Lee. View more information on the…
There will be an Area Scouts Caving Taster on Saturday 27th November in the Brecon Beacons. We have spaces for 32 Scouts to have a try at Caving with the Area Caving Team. Minibus transport will be included to and from the Cave and the cost will be just £12 per…