The area is organising both first response training and external first aid qualification for those who like a recognised certificate for maybe an activity permit or for the workplace. Both first response and external first aid course can be found on our Eventbrite page. Outdoor First Aid Emergency Action -…
In Wales we going to start a pilot phase of Squirrels. Find out more Join our Zoom call to chat about the new section. Monday 27th September 8pm on zoom Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 848 8861 9606 Passcode: CAVSCOUTS Dial by your location: +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom…
As a new term approaches Ty Hafan Scout Group are off to a great start by being presented their Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service by Morfudd Meredith, the Lord-Lieutenant of South Glamorgan under instruction from Her Majesty The Queen. The presentation took place at the Hospice in Sully surrounded by…
We are running some site service days in preperation for our tree planting day. September 4th: 11am to 4pm September 5th: 10:30am to 3:30pm September 12th: 10:30am to 3:30pm September 18th: 11am to 4pm October 2nd: 11am to 4pm October 17th: 10:30am to 3:30pm October 22nd: Tree planting day 9:30…
After 18 months Miskin Mill will be re-opening for campers and residential visitors from the 1st September 2021. The reason for closer has mainly been the pandemic though also we have had contractors on site for major work to be done (as grants allowed). What has changed? Well with regard…
JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) is on the weekend 16th and 17th October 2021 JOTI background JOTA-JOTI (Jamboree-on-the-Air-Jamboree-on-the-Internet) is the world’s largest digital Scout event taking place on the Internet and over the airwaves. Held every year in October, the event connects millions of young people around the world for a full…
For Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who would like to like to work towards their Digital Maker Staged Activity Badge the following sessions are available at The Hub (area office). Numbers for each session is limited to 10 young people so book early to avoid disappointment. Due to the kitchen being…
During the pandemic we had to put first response training on hold. This is now back being run and a large number of our volunteers need to get there first response back up to date. There are a number of ways to get your first response training up to date…
Based on feedback from the Youth Forum we are going to setup an Area Network for those in the movement and those aged 18-24 years. Some of our Districts already have a Scout Network section so the Area Scout Network will support these and ensure everyone can have some fun…
Do you fancy being able to instruct adults and young people in Archery? The area has funding to train more volunteers to be able to delivery archery sessions. We have booked in a course to be held in the area for Saturday 6th and 7th November 2021, Venue to be confirmed.…