Do you know of someone 16-24 on Universal Credit? Cardiff and Vale Scouts has two job roles currently out with Department of Work and Pension via the Kickstart Scheme. The two roles are for 25 hours a week for 6 months where the person will learn skills and been given…
As it is gradually becoming safer for more people to gather together, we are very much looking forward to getting Gang Show activities going again. Currently, it is our view that it is too soon to set a definite date for a show in our usual format. We will make…
Dear Fellow Scouts I want to write to you today to give you a number of updates and points of information. Read the All Members Letter - 7th July 2021 Julian Jordan Area Commissioner
Please complete this form if you hold a current or expired Activity Permit or you would like more information about obtaining new activity permits. It has been created by the Area Activities team to gauge an expression of interest for new Explorers, Network, Young Leaders or Adult Leaders who would…
Later this year Brianne Evans will be running the London Marathon in aid to help raise some much needed funds for the Scout Association. Having being a leader for around 8 years now I have seen the impact scouting has on the young people and also the adults. It gives…
Thanks to our own Youth Commissioner Joe Fletcher on the session he was part of on Exploring LGBT+…
As per our past updates as an Area we are working on a masterplan for our Campsite in Vale of Glamorgan – Jubilee Campsite. We have been working with our partners Arbour and other professional services to complete surveys so we can create a master plan for the campsite. The…
Thinking about opening up another wide range of badges for your section? Then why not undertake a traditional rafting or bell boating permit course at the Barry Boatbase on Saturday 24th July 10am - 4pm. Cost to all leaders within the area is free. Outside Cardiff and Vale £10 per…
Do you know the missing team-player from the UK Contingent dream line up? We’re on our journey to the 25 World Scout Jamboree (25 WSJ) and looking to recruit committed, passionate go-getters from UK Scouts or Girlguiding to join the UK Contingent Support Team (CST). The team provides support to our amazing…
Course for any adults within Scouting This is a 2 evening session with training on the 1st evening and then running a session the 2nd evening. Participants will undertake all areas of tomahawk throwing and how to run a session for your section. Date: 8th & 14th July. Time: 7pm…